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Videographer Love Me from Coïmbre, Portugal - J’ai Rêvé de Paris, engagement, wedding
Videographer Love Me from Coïmbre, Portugal - Have I spoken out of turn?, engagement, wedding
Videographer Love Me from Coïmbre, Portugal - Mariana & Marcos :: Teaser, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Love Me from Coïmbre, Portugal - Luísa & Ricardo :: Wedding, engagement, wedding

Have I spoken out of turn?

Sessão em estúdio no CAAA – Centro para os Assuntos da Arte e Arquitectura - Guimarães, durante o Something Blue Workshop 2018.

Vídeo: Love.me
Conceito: Pixel
Produção: Something Blue Workshop (somethingblueworkshop.com |Instagram: @vanessaivofilms | Facebook: facebook.com/somethingblueworkshop/)
Make up: Alexandra Castro (Instagram: @xanamakeupmind | Facebook: facebook.com/AlexandraCastroMakeupArtist/?timeline_context_item_type=intro_card_work&timeline_context_item_source=100000501682568)
Cabelo: Cinderela Bar de Beleza (Instagram: cinderela_by_sofia_marino | Facebook: facebook.com/cinderelabdebeleza/)
Flores: Parque da Penha (IG: @parquedapenha | Facebook: facebook.com/parquepenha/)
Modelos: Teresa Queirós (IG: @ateresaq) e Eduardo Queirós (IG: @eduardo_msq)
·13,382 views·#engagement#wedding
Videographer Love Me
Coïmbre, Portugal


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