33 / 34
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - Marialuna & Vincenzo - Wedding Reportage, engagement, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
07 — 13/mai/2019
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - WÄR I BI - JEssica Maurer [Official Video], musical video
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - Valentina & Gianni - "You Can Do Anything", reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
22 — 28/avril/2017
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - Danilo & Daniela - Hold On To Me, engagement, musical video, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
21 — 27/décembre/2017
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - Special Event 2017 - Snowing on Calabrian Coast, event, musical video, reporting
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - "Città di Gerace: Storia, Arte e Natura" - Documentary, drone-video, reporting, training video
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - Dog Trainer School - ASD Scodinzolando, event, reporting, sport
Videographer Vincent Milano from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - Free Hand Tattoo - Designed by Martin Cagnotti, advertising, backstage, corporate video, training video

Dog Trainer School - ASD Scodinzolando

Report di una giornata trascorsa tra gli amici a 4 zampe, presso il Centro di Addestramento Cinofilo "A.S.D. Scodinzolando".
·8,136 views·#event#reporting#sport
Videographer Vincent Milano
Reggio de Calabre, Italie


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