13 / 25
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - A Future Together, engagement
Winner of the Battle of the week
12 — 18/juin/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - Love in the Air, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
28/mai — 03/juin/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - | ταχυκαρδία |, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
28/avril — 04/mai/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - / pàthos /, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
08 — 14/avril/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - 💕 Love me tender, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
02 — 08/mars/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - LOVE ONE ANOTHER, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
18 — 24/février/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - 💖 LOVE AND HAPPINESS, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
31/janvier — 06/février/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - BENJI // JESSI, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
10 — 16/juin/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - This is love | ❤️, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
12 — 18/janvier/2024
Winner of the Battle of the week
08 — 14/janvier/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - I THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE I, engagement
Winner of the Battle of the week
10 — 16/avril/2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - ❤ LOVE STORY ❤, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
04 — 10/décembre/2023
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italie - CLARISA E MATTEO, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
18 — 24/février/2024


🇮🇹 Oggi, voglio condividere con voi un pensiero importante su amore e felicità. Ho realizzato che l’amore è sia forte che fragile, e prendersi cura l’uno dell’altro è essenziale. Da oggi in poi, la felicità reciproca dovrebbe essere la nostra principale preoccupazione. Le piccole attenzioni quotidiane renderanno il nostro legame indelebile. Insieme, affronteremo la vita con serenità, realizzando grandi cose. Tra tutti gli errori del mondo, la nostra priorità è rimanere uniti, costruendo un amore che nulla e nessuno possa scalfire. 💖

🇬🇧 Today, I want to share with you an important thought about love and happiness. I’ve realized that love is both strong and fragile, and taking care of each other is essential. From now on, mutual happiness should be our main concern. Small daily attentions will make our bond indelible. Together, we will face life with serenity, achieving great things. Among all the mistakes in the world, our priority is to stay united, building a love that nothing and no one can undermine. 💖
·1,216 views·#wedding
Naples, Italie


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