895 / 10,786
Winner of the Battle of the week
22 — 28/mai/2023
Videographer Alessio Barbieri from Gênes, Italie - Wedding in Liguria, SDE, drone-video, event, wedding
Videographer Pietro Vizzari from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - FRAMES | GIULIA E ALFONSO, SDE, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Video of the day
25 mars 2023
Videographer Bogdan Damian from Bacău, Roumanie - Rebeca & Lucian - MY DEAR (teaser), drone-video, wedding
Video of the day
16 mars 2023
Videographer Anthony Venitis from Athènes, Grèce - Leaps and Bounds - The Movie // Wedding in Park Hotel Vitznau Switzerland, drone-video, wedding
Video of the day
27 mars 2023
Winner of the Battle of the week
20 — 26/avril/2023
Videographer Light Within Films from Héraklion, Grèce - Erika + Matthew Feature Film 4K - Shot on Sony A7SIII, anniversary, drone-video, engagement, erotic, wedding
Videographer Daniele Fusco Videomaker from Lecce, Italie - PARLEZ MOI D'AMOUR // Mirco e Eleonora, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Yaroslav Kovachev from Kazanlak, Bulgarie - Петя+Петър, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Robo Video from Poprad, Slovaquie - Wedding Highlights - A & A, drone-video, musical video, reporting, showreel, wedding
Videographer Infamous Wedding from Palerme, Italie - Matteo & Caroline - Wedding in Scopello (Sicily), drone-video, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
21 — 27/janvier/2024
Videographer Camera Folks from Varsovie, Pologne - Oliwia & Robert, drone-video, showreel, wedding
Videographer Paul Palladino from Florence, Italie - Luca + Sara, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Julia Turusheva from Klaipėda, Lituanie - Honeymoon, advertising, drone-video, engagement, event, showreel
Videographer Infamous Wedding from Palerme, Italie - Ugo e Marta - Wedding Trailer, drone-video, event, reporting, wedding


Успееш ли да минеш под дъгата със твоята любима за ръка...
Ще бъдете щастливи на земята. Ще дойде с теб накрая на света. Успееш ли да и четеш в очите, завинаги ще бъде твоя! Знай! И, вятърът ще роши и косите, а тя ще бъде с тебе там докрай. Успееш ли да вдишаш аромата, тъй лек и нежен, с мирис на жена. Да стиснеш и във своята ръката... Ще влезе с теб през твоята врата. Успееш ли да я накараш нежно с усмивка да посреща тя деня... Утрото тъй свежо белоснежно, превръща се във приказка една! Успееш ли да и изпееш песен, дори и да не знаеш ноти ти... Живота ти ще бъде много лесен
И тя ще те обича! Разбери!
Добромир Радев

Оператори :Тихомир Стоянов, Тодор Тодоров,Ярослав Ковачев Виктор Ковачев
Дрон Ярослав Ковачев
Пост продукция/монтаж : Ярослав Ковачев
Водещ : Жоро Манев
DJ: Смилян Караганчев
·1,571 views·#drone-video#wedding
Videographer Yaroslav Kovachev
Kazanlak, Bulgarie


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    Editors' choice

    Video of the day
    8 décembre 2023
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Anthony Venitis from Athènes, Grèce - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
    Video of the day
    11 février 2024
    Winner of the Battle of the week
    05 — 11/mars/2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bucarest, Roumanie - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
    Video of the day
    5 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Deux Drôles d’oiseaux from Paris, France - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
    Video of the day
    13 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Aaron Kracke from Boston, États-Unis - Emily & Tommy, wedding
    Videographer Aaron Kracke
    (Boston, États-Unis)
    Video of the day
    22 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bucarest, Roumanie - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding
    Video of the day
    12 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Andrea Tortora from Milan, Italie - Epic Elopement in Iceland, drone-video, wedding