223 / 2,251
Videographer FILMFACTORY - Emanuele & Giuliano from Naples, Italie - LIGHT FLOW | from Workshop EGO, advertising, engagement, erotic, training video
Winner of the Battle of the week
23 — 29/juin/2022
Videographer Moodvideomaking from Naples, Italie - ROME, advertising, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Angel Kunev from Varna, Bulgarie - BRD MERCH #4, advertising
Videographer Angel Kunev from Varna, Bulgarie - THERMA VILLAGE | HOLIDAY IN STYLE, advertising
Videographer Alessandro Pecora from Reggio de Calabre, Italie - MAGNA GRECIA GIOIELLI (© Alessandro Pecora filmaker), advertising, corporate video, drone-video
Videographer Luigi De Felice from Naples, Italie - Shane and Lucia - Teaser, SDE, advertising, drone-video, reporting, wedding
Videographer Christian Valeri from San Benedetto del Tronto, Italie - Templaria Festival, advertising, event, invitation
Videographer Christian Valeri from San Benedetto del Tronto, Italie - Re-HasH, advertising, corporate video
Videographer Ruslan Beniash from Varsovie, Pologne - sport, advertising, backstage, event, sport, training video
Videographer Ruslan Beniash from Varsovie, Pologne - wedding, advertising, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Videographer Victoria Kaul from Berlin, Allemagne - Brand Promotion Video, advertising, corporate video, showreel
Videographer Adriana Bonastre from Alicante, Espagne - Angel & Carla - Las colinas golf -, advertising, drone-video, engagement, musical video, reporting
Videographer Shahen Bakhshiyan from Moscou, Russie - SHGSTUDIO, advertising

Templaria Festival

Gustare i sapori dei cibi, avvertire l’odore del fuoco, porgere l’orecchio alle ghironde, strabuzzare gli occhi davanti a un palcoscenico, poggiare mani e piedi su mattoni e pietre centenarie: i cinque sensi riportano la mente secoli addietro, in un periodo in cui sacro e profano si intersecano, addentrandosi nella vita dell’uomo comune.
Sacro e profano.
Il quotidiano dell’uomo medievale è scandito dal tempo religioso; l’anno liturgico determina il tempo della festa e quella del digiuno; il comportamento terreno determina la vita nell’aldilà.
Musica e teatro. Le arti performative sono specchio di tal binomio: c’è un momento per la preghiera e un momento per il divertimento, vanno in scena sacre rappresentazioni e spettacoli giullareschi, si odono canti gregoriani e liriche dei trovatori.
Musica e teatro nel Medioevo parlano di sacro e profano.
Il loro eco risuona ancora negli spazi di Templaria.
Videographer Christian Valeri
San Benedetto del Tronto, Italie


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    Editors' choice

    Video of the day
    8 décembre 2023
    Winner of the Battle of the week
    03 — 09/janvier/2025
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Anthony Venitis from Athènes, Grèce - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
    Video of the day
    11 février 2024
    Winner of the Battle of the week
    05 — 11/mars/2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bucarest, Roumanie - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
    Video of the day
    5 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Deux Drôles d’oiseaux from Paris, France - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
    Video of the day
    13 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Aaron Kracke from Boston, États-Unis - Emily & Tommy, wedding
    Videographer Aaron Kracke
    (Boston, États-Unis)
    Video of the day
    22 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bucarest, Roumanie - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding
    Video of the day
    12 février 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Andrea Tortora from Milan, Italie - Epic Elopement in Iceland, drone-video, wedding