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Winner of the Battle of the week
21 — 27/août/2020
Videographer Михаил Тельнов from Oural, Kazakhstan - Виктор Марина 2019 Уральск, SDE, engagement, musical video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
20 — 26/octobre/2021
Videographer Михаил Тельнов from Oural, Kazakhstan - Алексей Лиана 2020, SDE, event, musical video, showreel, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
31/août — 06/septembre/2020
Videographer Михаил Тельнов from Oural, Kazakhstan - Одна любовь | Дмитрий Юлия / 2019, SDE, engagement, event, musical video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
10 — 16/avril/2021
Videographer Михаил Тельнов from Oural, Kazakhstan - Дамир Айнара Тизер, SDE, engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
14 — 20/avril/2021
Videographer Михаил Тельнов from Oural, Kazakhstan - Тизер Георгий Жанна 2019, wedding
Videographer Михаил Тельнов from Oural, Kazakhstan - Ильяс Айдана, engagement, erotic, event, musical video, wedding
Videographer Михаил Тельнов from Oural, Kazakhstan - Wedding showreel 2020, engagement, musical video, showreel, wedding


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