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GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - The PaTMian Love Highlights
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - Koralia & Sotiris Wedding Highlights
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - wedding in Crete, Sifis / Eliza
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - | Hit it |
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - A day to remember in 60 seconds
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - Thanasis Eri - "Time Box"
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - Dimitris & Dimitra | Wedding Trailer
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - Giorgos & Labrini
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - Manolis+Banafsheh | Greek and Persian Wedding
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - Manolis+Iro
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - A love story of sailors: Thalassa is like Eros.
GrAward 2020 - Best Video Editor - ilias & Elena | Wedding Trailer

George + Alexandra|The Highlight Film

Videographer Alkis Fragakis
Héraklion, Grèce