40 / 84
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Videógrafo Dasha Kulikova de Moscú, Rusia - Splash Of Color, backstage, corporate video, reporting, showreel
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Videógrafo Dima Raduga de Moscú, Rusia - В области Сердца., engagement, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
22 — 28 de enero de 2019
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Videógrafo Ilia Novikov de Moscú, Rusia - dark.milk.wedding | Nelly&Dima, engagement, erotic, event, reporting, wedding
Vídeo del día
1 de febrero de 2019
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Videógrafo Denis Zwicky de Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos - New York in The Shadow (Cinematic video), drone-video, invitation, musical video, reporting
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Videógrafo Egor Protopopov de Yakutsk, Rusia - Experimental Sairento, SDE, backstage, musical video, reporting, showreel
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Videógrafo Carlo Corona de Catania, Italia - Viva Sant'Agata!!!!, anniversary, event, reporting, training video
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Videógrafo Adriana Russo de Turín, Italia - STOP TIME, reporting, wedding
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Videógrafo SUAR Intense Wedding Films de Kielce, Polonia - SUAR // TRAILER. THE LEGENDARY WEDDING. Patricia & Krzysztof, drone-video, engagement, reporting, wedding
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Videógrafo MAXIM  ABDULAEV de Sarátov, Rusia - MARLA, reporting
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Videógrafo Artem Ditkovsky de San Petersburgo, Rusia - Play God | Wedding Film, drone-video, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Vídeo del día
15 de diciembre de 2018
Winner of the Battle of the week
21 — 27 de noviembre de 2018
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Videógrafo Oneshchak Production de Kiev, Ucrania - Natalia & Roman - SDE, SDE, drone-video, engagement, reporting, wedding
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Videógrafo Sally Sicily de Palermo, Italia - MY YEAR // 2017 - Sally Sicily, backstage, invitation, musical video, reporting, showreel
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Videógrafo Claudio Polotto de Venecia, Italia - Bali+Singapore, reporting
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What is a memory? It is the only way to stop time. We would like to be able to go back in time to relive moments or just to hold the hand of someone we love but it's gone.
·10.971 vistas·#reporting#wedding
Videographer Adriana Russo
Turín, Italia


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