2.293 / 3.779
Vídeo del día
1 de mayo de 2018
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9 de mayo de 2018
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Vídeo del día
27 de abril de 2018
Winner of the Battle of the week
8 — 14 de diciembre de 2018
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Vídeo del día
27 de abril de 2018
Winner of the Battle of the week
8 — 14 de diciembre de 2018
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- Trocin Florin|Lulu Film
- Edgar Félix
- Tenguerengue Wedding
- Alex Ost
- Danijel Bolic | BeepFilms
- Henrique Ogata No3 Filmes
- Aleksandr Tirok
- Aurora Video
- Mihai Butănescu
- Imagenes SBD Video
- Tomás Cristóbal
- Alexander Ivanov
- Артур Гульпак
- PK video Films
- Samarqand Art studio
- Alexandra Zvyagova
- Bogdan Radulescu (SIX PIXELS FILMS)
- Stanislav Barachevsky
- Luciano Di Lascio
- Delight Films
Liza + Nick | I am yours and you are mine
Liza and Nick from NY USA decided to do a destination wedding in Portugal and choose the beautiful venue Areias do Seixo. This wedding had everything anyone could ever ask for: Perfect couple, bonfire on the night before, amazing location close to the sea, awesome venue, wonderful people, loads of love demonstration between friends and grooms... and the party was a blast!