| POLAND - PORTUGAL WEDDING | Paulina & Luís and Jadwiga & Andrzej - wedding trailer 4K
Tego jeszcze nie było! Mieliśmy przyjemność realizować ślub, w którym sakramentalne TAK powiedziały sobie dwie pary. Paulina - córka Jadwigi zorganizowała przepiękny dzień ślubu dla siebie oraz swojej mamy. Dwa plenery oraz jedno wspólne wesele. Zobaczcie sami jak wyglądał najpiękniejszy dzień w życiu Pauliny & Luís,a i Jadwigi & Andrzeja.
This has not been yet! We had the pleasure to pursue a wedding, in which the sacramental YES said two couples. Paulina - Jadwiga's daughter organized a beautiful wedding day for herself and her mother. Two plein-airs and one common wedding. See for yourself what the most beautiful day in the life of Paulina & Luís looked like, and Jadwiga & Andrzej.
This has not been yet! We had the pleasure to pursue a wedding, in which the sacramental YES said two couples. Paulina - Jadwiga's daughter organized a beautiful wedding day for herself and her mother. Two plein-airs and one common wedding. See for yourself what the most beautiful day in the life of Paulina & Luís looked like, and Jadwiga & Andrzej.