2,112 / 3,779
Βίντεο ημέρας
29 Νοεμβρίου 2018
Winner of the Battle of the week
11 — 17 Αυγούστου 2019
Η επιλογή του συντάκτη
Βίντεο ημέρας
2 Δεκεμβρίου 2018
Winner of the Battle of the week
11 — 17 Ιουνίου 2019
Μου αρέσει
- Natalya Balan
- Ivo Vartanian
- Elena CH Photo & Video
- Trocin Florin|Lulu Film
- Moodvideomaking
- Natalia Mandla
- PK video Films
- Bogdan Damian
- Oneshchak Production
- Mihai Butănescu
- Bernardo Migliaccio Spina
- Andriy Ischuk
- Victor Popov Film Company
- Emilian Petcu
- IVORY films
- Marius Zaharia
- Eugeniu Maritoi
- Rec Studio
- Patrick M.
- Dima Vutcariov
- Kameralowe Studio
- Nicholas Suvorov
- Igor Koba
- Евгений Максименко
- BruidBeeld
- Branko Kozlina
- Arturo Ursus
- Abcfilmfoto Vivian
- Вячеслав Кирилов
- DELUXE production
- Pavlin Penev
- Imagenes SBD Video
- nazarshar ka
- Razlog Andrei
- One Day
- Eduard Parunakyan
- Marius Films
- Anton Grabov
- Razvan Husovschi
- Igor Catrinescu
- Alexander Ermishin
- Henrique Ogata No3 Filmes
- Alexandru Bostan
- Leonid Smith
- Low Light Productions
- Alexey Xod
- Fazliddin Gulamidinov
- Rolea Bogdan
- Alexandr Chaban
- Darwin Solivagant
- Okhota Film
- Vlad Maris
- Malaescu Daniel
- Dragos Pascal
- Victor Adrian
- wedfilms | wedstories.ro
- Robert Obernauer
- Florin Petrica
- Marin Ivan
- Boby Petrule
G + I | Wedding Film
George şi Ioana sunt unul dintre cele mai dulci cupluri pe care le-am întâlnit. Dragostea lor se simte si se vede, e frumoasa si pura. Am avut parte de o locatie de basm (Conacul Heldsdorf), o echipa de decor pe masura (Walrose), o rochita fascinanta (Otilia Brailoiu) si am conlucrat cu o echipa de fotografi pe masura (Land of White Deer si Above The Pine Trees - Wedding Photography).