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Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - || Anna and Donato || Rock and roll Baby, drone-video, engagement, event, musical video, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - || Between the fall and the Creation ||, advertising, engagement, event, musical video, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - || Iolanda and Tiziana ||, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - || Mary and Frankie || Coming soon…, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - || Bruna and Giovanni || L’amour est inguérissable, SDE, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - Crazy Party Lilli & Fabio, engagement, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - IMPERFEZIONI, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - || Julie - Jennifer and Vincenzo || Senza Fine..., engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - | Francesca and Luigi |, drone-video, event, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - | Stefania and Alessandro |, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - | Ida and Francesco |, drone-video, event, wedding


sostantivo femminile
Presenza di manchevolezze o difetti per cui qualcosa non risulta conforme al suo prototipo, ideale o materiale; com., manchevolezza, difetto
·3,146 views·#wedding
Videograf Ivan Marangio Films
Neapel, Italien


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