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Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - Veronica & Mihai, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - Endless Love, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - Petronela & Adrian, engagement, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - DORINA + ALEXANDRU, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - Coming soon...Higher Love !, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - The perfect frame !, drone-video, engagement, event, showreel, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - ” The barbers “, reporting
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - And this is “Happy #together “!, baby, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - All I need for Christmas!, anniversary, baby, event, musical video
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - #Together, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - Coming Soon - Teaser, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - They had a #dream !, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Cosmin  Bolohan from Suceava, Rumänien - Alina & Gabi It was #awesome ! It was #crazy !, engagement, showreel, wedding

” The barbers “

Instagram : bolohancossmin

"I think that all the things you love influence your vision of daily activity. For me, this job is the best choice I made because I can express my creativity and I can develop it forever. "

“ Consider că toate lucrurile care-ți plac influențează la rândul lor viziunea ta asupra activității zilnice. Pentru mine aceasta meserie reprezinta cea mai buna alegere pe care am făcut-o pentru ca îmi pot exprima creativitatea si ma pot dezvolta la nesfârșit.”
·18,934 views·#reporting
Videograf Cosmin  Bolohan
Suceava, Rumänien


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