72 / 84
Editors' choice
Videographer Santy Gu from Medellín, Kolumbien - Felipe y Johanna | Nuestro Regalo | Video de boda Medellín, engagement, event, invitation, reporting, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer maksim kostin from Tomsk, Russland - egor nastya | autumn, engagement, reporting
Video of the day
22. Februar 2018
Editors' choice
Videographer Kirill Ershov from Barcelona, Spanien - ICELAND | wedding film, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
28. Dezember 2017
Editors' choice
Videographer Wed in White from Saragossa, Spanien - Save the date. Vero & Juanmi, reporting, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Emanuele Mura from Arezzo, Italien - Getting Married in Tuscany - K♡J, drone-video, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Ster y Nico from Alicante, Spanien - Mónica y Julián | Engagement in Almería, Spain, engagement, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
31. Juli 2017
Editors' choice
Videographer PROSTUDIO Creative Video Agency from Warschau, Polen - ProStudio :: MALDIVES :: Oliwia & Maciej, engagement, reporting, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Federico Cardone from Bari, Italien - Ivan & Lucia Short film, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Сергей Головня from Riwne, Ukraine - O & A, event, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
26. April 2017
Editors' choice
Videographer Dmitriy Koltsov from Kiew, Ukraine - Dream Wedding in Santorini, drone-video, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
19. April 2017
Editors' choice
Videographer Shaxzod Pulatov from Taschkent, Usbekistan - WeddingHighlight_Mirjamol&Rukhsora, engagement, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Joseph Grace from Kiew, Ukraine - G R A F A F I L M S . W e d d i n g . S o r a b + A n n a, engagement, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
14. Februar 2017
Editors' choice
Videographer Oleg Zayanov from Los Angeles, USA - INDIA | Documentary Teaser, reporting
Video of the day
31. Juli 2017
Editors' choice

ProStudio :: MALDIVES :: Oliwia & Maciej

Worldwide Cinematic Wedding Films
Website: prostudio-video.com
Locations: Poland, Maldives
Wedding Planner: Makuszewscy Wedding Planners
A wedding planner plans her own wedding!
There is always something unique about the wedding planned and ran by a wedding planner. The situation is getting more interested when the wedding planner is also a bride!
Let us introduce you the perfect couple - Oliwia and Maciej.
Oliwia - beautiful, sensitive but also demanding and crazy about planning. Maciej - ready to undertake Oliwia's plans and as a professional football player of Lech Poznań knows how to "play" to meet the highest goals.
Such ideal combination of personalities created the perfect wedding.
The decorations to enchant, the entertainment to amaze, the reception not to forget. See for yourself!


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