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Videographer Diogo Andrade from Lissabon, Portugal - LIVING - freestyle bass, advertising, musical video
Videographer Diogo Andrade from Lissabon, Portugal - Alma, advertising


year 2014, duration: 6min 18sec.

Carolina Morais Fonseca, a portuguese dancer and choreographer. Born in 1981, she travels all around the world teaching and learning Gypsy dances.
She started her research of Romany dances with Myriam Szabo and later complemented her training with Ukrainian Petia Lourtchenko, particularly in Russian and Central European Romany dances. She has also studied in India, Transylvania, Budapest and Istanbul. She has performed as a dancer with Fanfare Ciocarlia, Taraf de Haidouks and Roby Lakatos. She is a member of Danza Duende® in Brussels.
In this video, Carolina present us her new project / show named ALMA (which means soul).
This is not the final version. Information about the project and final credits will be included in the final version.

"...this frame is inserted into the creative process of my next show called Alma ( that means soul).
The creation has a structure unlike any other, giving birth to a choreographically solid and struc
·7,999 views·#advertising
Videograf Diogo Andrade
Lissabon, Portugal


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