14 / 21
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Innocentia-Contessa, advertising
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Natalia Tausher - Exclusive Dresses, advertising
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Sergiy & Anya , wedding
Video of the day
5. April 2015
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Sergiy&Anya - Love me..., wedding
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Angel, advertising, wedding
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Petia&Mihaela, reporting, wedding
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - БУКОВИНСЬКІ ПЕРЕДЗВОНИ, corporate video, musical video
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Dima & Anna, wedding
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Teize, reporting
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Jura&Tania_LoveStory, wedding
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Symphony Orchestra - PROMO, advertising
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - INNOCENTIA - Evening dresses, advertising
Videographer Валерий Георгиян from Czernowitz, Ukraine - Vadim+Alla, wedding


фільм - "Буковинські передзвони"
Чернівецька обласна філармонія
Videographer Валерий Георгиян
Czernowitz, Ukraine


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