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Videographer Stay in Focus from Lwiw, Ukraine - Zoya&Sasha. Wedding highlights. Kyiv 2014., wedding
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Videographer Stay in Focus from Lwiw, Ukraine - Endless Melancholy - November (official music video), musical video
Videographer Stay in Focus from Lwiw, Ukraine - Kate&Taras. Highlight., wedding
Videographer Stay in Focus from Lwiw, Ukraine - Handmade portraits: Magic of steampunk., advertising

Handmade portraits: Magic of steampunk.

Ми розпочинаємо цикл хендмейд портретів і перша частина про талановитого художника, майстра книжкової реконструкції та прикрас у стилістиці стімпанк - Валентина Колонтая, який представляє власну майстерню "Форзац" (vk.com/forzats_workshop).

We begin our series of handmade portraits and the first part about a talented painter, master of book reconstruction and steampunk style jeweler - Valentin Kolontaj, that represents his own studio "Forzats (The flyleaf)" (vk.com/forzats_workshop).

Filmed by Stay in Focus production.
Shot on Panasonic G6 with Panasonic 14-42 (I), Panasonic 20/1.7 and Olympus 45/1.8. Edit with Premiere CS6. Grading with SpeddGrade CC.
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Studio Stay in Focus
Lwiw, Ukraine


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