4,882 / 55,109
Video of the day
7. Mai 2023
Videographer Daniele Fusco Videomaker from Lecce, Italien - AMORE IN MODO QUASI CLASSICO // Donato e Maria Giovanna, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Vladimir Miladinovic from Belgrad, Serbien - Aleksandra & Aleksandar, corporate video, drone-video, event, wedding
Video of the day
12. Juni 2023
Videographer Your White Moments from Thessaloniki, Griechenland - A story about love, wedding
Videographer Vladimir Miladinovic from Belgrad, Serbien - Nina & Igor, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Vladimir Miladinovic from Belgrad, Serbien - Dragana & Dragan, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Igor Koba from Poltawa, Ukraine - Black and white, engagement, event, humour, reporting, wedding
Videographer Giovanni Tancredi from Potenza, Italien - I Was There - Film Diary (extended version), wedding
Videographer Zsófia Egyed from Budapest, Ungarn - In the skies, wedding
Videographer Giovanni Tancredi from Potenza, Italien - I was there - Film Diary Short, wedding
Videographer Sfinx Production from Bukarest, Rumänien - I carry your heart with me | C&P, engagement, event
Videographer Sfinx Production from Bukarest, Rumänien - Elena & Ionut Teaser, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
05 — 11.03.2025
Videographer Sfinx Production from Bukarest, Rumänien - Maria & Jacobo - Una promesa de amor eterno!, engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
30.04 — 06.05.2023
Videographer Dimitris Kanavos from Athen, Griechenland - Wedding in Mani, drone-video, wedding

I Was There - Film Diary (extended version)

Sogno, Realtà, Ricordo.
Sovente ognuno di noi sogna di vivere appieno un momento della propria vita.
Alcune volte si riesce a rispettare queste aspettative, ricordando, un giorno lontano nel tempo, quello che si è vissuto.
Esiste però una sola cosa che accomuna tre concetti apparentemente complementari. Tre momenti della propria vita che si ritrovano all’improvviso in un flusso emozionale ed estemporaneo.
E’ l’emozione il filo conduttore, vero, ma l’anima che li accomuna è una e una sola, l’amore.
Così forte che anche a distanza di anni, decenni, torna vivo quando la storia sta per ripetersi…perché, seppur piccola, io c’ero!

Dream, Reality, Memory.
Often each of us dreams of living a moment of our life to the fullest.
Sometimes it is possible to respect these expectations, remembering, a distant day in time, what has been experienced.
However, there is only one thing that unites three seemingly complementary concepts. Three moments of one's life that suddenly find themselves in an emotional and impromptu flow.
Emotion is the common thread, true, but the soul that unites them is one and only one, love.
So strong that even after years, decades, it comes back alive when history is about to repeat itself…because, albeit small, I Was There!
·1,513 views·#wedding
Videograf Giovanni Tancredi
Potenza, Italien


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    Editors' choice

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    30. Januar 2025
    Editors' choice
    Videographer ALEXANDRE DJANBAZ from Paris, Frankreich - ALOU LAAAAA, wedding
    PRO (Paris, Frankreich)
    Video of the day
    8. Dezember 2023
    Winner of the Battle of the week
    03 — 09.01.2025
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Anthony Venitis from Athen, Griechenland - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
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    11. Februar 2024
    Winner of the Battle of the week
    05 — 11.03.2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bukarest, Rumänien - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
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    5. Februar 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Deux drôles  D’oiseaux from Paris, Frankreich - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
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    13. Februar 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Aaron Kracke from Boston, USA - Emily & Tommy, wedding
    Video of the day
    22. Februar 2024
    Editors' choice
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bukarest, Rumänien - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding