15 / 75
Editors' choice
Videographer Adrian Ungureanu from Ploiești, Rumänien - Wedding reel 2021, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
11. Oktober 2021
Editors' choice
Videographer Aaron Daniel from Toronto, Kanada - An Unforgettable Season, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
25. Juli 2021
Editors' choice
Videographer Kyriacos Choraitis from Limassol, Zypern - Civil wedding at Aphrodite's birth place  " Petra tou Romiou", anniversary, engagement, musical video, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
12. April 2021
Editors' choice
Videographer Beq@ Shavidze Creative Film from Tiflis, Georgien - Wedding Showreel 2020 // Best of 2020 //Cinematic, drone-video, erotic, musical video, showreel, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Marina Borodkina from Nischni Nowgorod, Russland - Wedding Showreel 2020, engagement, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
3. Februar 2021
Editors' choice
Videographer UNIFILMS.PRO from Moskau, Russland - Wedding showreel: just stop the moment, drone-video, engagement, event, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
27. September 2020
Editors' choice
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapel, Italien - \\ REVELATIONS \\, engagement, event, musical video, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
28. Dezember 2020
Editors' choice
Videographer Avto Tchipashvili from Tiflis, Georgien - wedding showreel 2019-2020, engagement, showreel, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
14 — 20.04.2022
Editors' choice
Videographer Philip London from London, Vereinigtes Königreich - Philip London Wedding Videography, backstage, corporate video, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
19. Mai 2020
Editors' choice
Videographer François Riquelme from Toulouse, Frankreich - showreel, baby, humour, musical video, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
25. Februar 2020
Winner of the Battle of the week
18 — 24.03.2021
Editors' choice
Videographer Darius Cornean from Oradea, Rumänien - Bianca & Sammy {Wedding Day}, SDE, engagement, event, showreel, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer FILMFACTORY - Emanuele & Giuliano from Neapel, Italien - SHOWREEL 2019, advertising, corporate video, drone-video, engagement, showreel
Winner of the Battle of the week
14 — 20.10.2020
Editors' choice
Videographer Marry Me Studio from Warschau, Polen - Glamour vampire wedding Goetz palace - Best wedding video Marry Me Studio, anniversary, drone-video, event, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
27. September 2020
Editors' choice


Perché per noi è stata una rivelazione raccontare, descrivere, sentire, toccare quasi con mano il nostro modo di narrare storie.
Facendolo con impeto, passione, quasi ossessione per quelle che sono per noi le immagini chiave.
Lo stesso modo che ci ha caratterizzato da sempre, portandolo avanti con forza, convinzione e passione.
Revelations per noi racchiude un pò tutto questo.
La nostra voglia di rivelare attraverso le immagini i sentimenti più puri, quelli pulsanti che ad ogni battito del cuore esplodono in tutto il loro splendore.
A modo nostro, REVELATIONS

Inspiration Wedding
Venue : Costalmandorlo ( Toscana )
Flower : Fiorile ( Firenze )
Bride Dress : Miranda Di Sipio Atelier
Make up : Maura Martinelli
Ph : Vincenzo Montuori
Video : Ivan Marangio Films
Videograf Ivan Marangio Films
Neapel, Italien


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