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PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - like a Fairytale.
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Spectacular wedding trailer of Aline and Pawel
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Julia ♡ Wojciech - A wedding of AWE
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Ola & Mateusz
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Karolina & Marc
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Magic wedding in Kashubia
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - The Whisper | J&J
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Marietta & Matthias
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - N + W | Polish desert
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Solidarity
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - Gabriela i Kacper
PlAward 2020 - Bester Videograf - A & P | Teaser

Donata + Krystian

Videographer MarFilm Studio
Lublin, Polen