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Videographer George Zorbas from Atény, Řecko - Grow Old With Me, event, wedding
Video of the day
17. prosince 2017
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Videographer George Zorbas from Atény, Řecko - Everything, wedding
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19. března 2017
Winner of the Battle of the week
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Videographer George Zorbas from Atény, Řecko - The Wonder of You, event, wedding
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31. března 2017
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Videographer George Zorbas from Atény, Řecko - A&C - I love you, event, wedding
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Videographer George Zorbas from Atény, Řecko - Dreams Come True - California - Nathalie & Tim - Trailer, event, wedding
Video of the day
17. prosince 2017
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A different approach to a wedding story! Parents seem to be the ones grafting to raise and give their kids a decent life.Since our first breath they have always been present in our lives, so it’s hard to contemplate life without them. Make them happy is too simple. A hug and telling them how much we love them is all they need. The people standing next to us will not be there forever, so don’t take anything for granted. We should tell them how much we love them before it’s too late. Something simple like a hug, it’s an act of love that we all need, let alone our parents.
před 7 lety·30,770 views·#wedding
Videographer George Zorbas
Atény, Řecko


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    • Videographer Era Kussainov
      ·před 7 lety
      Трогательно! Very good job!
      • Videographer George Zorbas
        ·před 7 lety
        Благодарю Era! Я рад, что ты сочтешь это трогательно. (I hope that is right, google translator ;)
    • Videographer Vadim Khanoff
      ·před 7 lety
      Спасибо! Я давно не видел такого материала,такой режиссуры! Это шедевр! Спасибо,что развязали мне руки..Я такой материал боялся использовать..но у Вас это потрясающе получается!Спасибо за смелость!! Очень,очень глубоко!
      • Videographer George Zorbas
        ·před 6 lety
        Thank you for your kind words! I am glad that i have help you to see with different approach the wedding! After all that is the reason that we are all here! Be creative Vadym!
    • Videographer Jason Belkov
      ·před 7 lety
      Excellent Work! Love your style.
      • Videographer George Zorbas
        ·před 6 lety
        Thank you Jason, I appreciate it! Be creative!