13 / 21
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Boho wedding with sunrise vows at Lahemaa National Park, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9.8.18
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Mari-Liis & Toomas // simple luxury in Pädaste manor, drone-video, wedding
Video of the day
3. listopadu 2017
Winner of the Battle of the week
25 — 31.1.18
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Chloé & Karl // wedding in Rånäs Slott, Sweden, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
24.2 — 2.3.18
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Mariana & Luca // wedding in Puglia, Italy, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Moonika & Maxim // emotional wedding in Glehni castle, drone-video, wedding
Video of the day
29. ledna 2018
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Ivy & Florian // wedding in Stevns Klint, Denmark, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Doris & Lincoln // wedding in Laitse Granite Villa, Estonia, drone-video, event, wedding
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Liisa & Duncan // wedding on Muhu island, Estonia, wedding
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Katrin & Tarmo // wedding day in backyard, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Birgit & Pelle // wedding in Vihterpalu manor, Estonia, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Annika & John // wedding video, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
17 — 23.2.18
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Triin & Ragnar // autumn elopement, wedding
Videographer Innar Hunt from Tallin, Estonsko - Liis & Madis // wedding video, wedding

Doris & Lincoln // wedding in Laitse Granite Villa, Estonia

It's amazing how the paths can sometimes cross in the most unexpected way.

Let me tell you a story.

I was attending volleyball game with my son and we were thrilled with how an Aussie with no. "12" was tearing up the oppositon in Estonian Championship finals. "Wow, he is good" my son said.

I was wondering what has attracked the Aussie to play in Estonia for several years. The answer came few days later when Doris contacted me and asked if I was available to film her wedding. Of course I was available to capture the wedding of volleyball family - Doris and no. "12" Lincoln :)

My son is really proud!
Videographer Innar Hunt
Tallin, Estonsko


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