94 / 107
Video of the day
23. února 2018
Volba editorů
Videographer Essie Chang from Kanton, Čína - Prewedding in Japan & SDE | 樱花盛开时,愿有你相伴, SDE, engagement, wedding
Video of the day
20. listopadu 2017
Winner of the Battle of the week
12 — 18.2.18
Volba editorů
Videographer Evgeny Hollywood from Moskva, Rusko - Alex & Maria / Wedding, SDE, backstage, drone-video, event, wedding
Video of the day
29. října 2017
Winner of the Battle of the week
17 — 23.12.17
Volba editorů
Videographer Evgeny Hollywood from Moskva, Rusko - Evgenii & Oksana / Wedding, SDE, drone-video, event, musical video, wedding
Video of the day
10. srpna 2017
Volba editorů
Videographer Kirill Savitsky from Minsk, Bělorusko - Sergey and Svetlana (insta ver.), SDE, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Video of the day
22. července 2017
Winner of the Battle of the week
18 — 24.9.17
Volba editorů
Videographer Evgeny Hollywood from Moskva, Rusko - Ivan & Nataly / Wedding, SDE, backstage, erotic, musical video, wedding
Video of the day
7. srpna 2017
Volba editorů
Videographer Mario Potočki from Záhřeb, Chorvatsko - Hiking engagement session, SDE, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer Wahyu Aurora from Jakarta, Indonésie - Amore Per Sempre - Imaji Studio, SDE, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
12. července 2017
Volba editorů
Videographer La fabriqueta films from Castellón de la Plana, Španělsko - MI ANILLO, SDE, event, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer Александр Сылкин from Rostov na Donu, Rusko - Любовь на высоте., SDE, advertising, training video, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer Mauricio Fernandez from Rosario, Argentina - A Glimpse, SDE, engagement, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer Max Saledinov from Oděsa, Ukrajina - SaledinovFilm ft. Ruslan Kostov - K&I SDE 4K, SDE, drone-video, event, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer Vasiliy Petukhov from Jakutsk, Rusko - Syykter Kyys, SDE, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer TR Photo Films from Fortaleza, Brazílie - Livia and Samuel | SAME DAY EDIT, SDE
Volba editorů

Amore Per Sempre - Imaji Studio

Videographer Wahyu Aurora
Jakarta, Indonésie


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