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Videographer Moisés Soares from Amares, Portugalsko - Melissa and Joe SDE #RivieraMaya#México, SDE, engagement, wedding
Videographer Moisés Soares from Amares, Portugalsko - Juliana and Filipe SDE 1.05.2015 #QuintaVilaMarita, SDE, engagement, wedding
Videographer Moisés Soares from Amares, Portugalsko - Sara and João SDE 21.03.15 #Colina do Romão, SDE, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Moisés Soares from Amares, Portugalsko - Sónia and Hélder SDE 7.03.15 #SolarDaLevada, SDE, wedding
Videographer Moisés Soares from Amares, Portugalsko - SameDayEdit- Marcia and Fabio #LagoDosCisnes, SDE, engagement, wedding
Videographer Moisés Soares from Amares, Portugalsko - SamedayEdit - Liliana and Miguel #QuintaPraiaVerde, SDE, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Moisés Soares from Amares, Portugalsko - Carina and Paulo SDE 7.03.15 #QuintaLagoDosCisnes, SDE, engagement, wedding

Sara and João SDE 21.03.15 #Colina do Romão

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space / event:
Colina do Romão

·12,607 views·#SDE#drone-video#wedding
Videographer Moisés Soares
Amares, Portugalsko


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