4 / 26
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Aleksandra & Paweł Lago Di Como, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
12 — 18.2.25
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - SHOWRELL 2024, drone-video, showreel, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
14 — 20.2.25
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - "the best wedding" in Poland - Kiston & Lake Como Villa Melzi, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
8 — 14.2.24
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Aleksandra & Kamil - Venice Italy Video, wedding
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Anna i Grzegorz | Ślub kościelny | Pałac Mała Wieś | Teledysk ślubny, wedding
Video of the day
15. listopadu 2023
Winner of the Battle of the week
21 — 27.11.23
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Gaja Kuroń | Ślub w Toskanii | Ślub we Włoszech | Villa Michaela (già Villa Nottolini)  TRAILER, wedding
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Anja i Łukasz | POLISH & BALKAN Wedding Trailer | 2023 | Film Ślubny, wedding
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Kasia i Tomek | OKLASKI STANISŁAWIE 2023 | THE BEST WEDDIGN VIDEO, wedding
Video of the day
25. dubna 2023
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Mountain wedding in Poland, wedding
Video of the day
6. května 2023
Videographer Rutkowscy  Weddings from Gdaňsk, Polsko - Donata & Jakub | Autumn wedding | Trailer, showreel, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
8 — 14.2.24

Aleksandra & Kamil - Venice Italy Video

·1,810 views·#wedding
Studio Rutkowscy  Weddings
Gdaňsk, Polsko


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