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Video of the day
26. února 2022
Volba editorů
Videographer Pattivana Co from Surabaya, Indonésie - Super Fun Couple || Ronald & Evelyn 's Pre-wedding, anniversary, wedding
Video of the day
14. listopadu 2021
Volba editorů
Videographer Philip London from Londýn, Velká Británie - Gosfield Hall Wedding Film, anniversary, engagement, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer Moving  Movie from Če-ťiang, Čína - “FAWN'S DREAM”, anniversary, drone-video, engagement, musical video, wedding
Volba editorů
Videographer Ruben Bijy from Bombaj, Indie - Craziest Goa wedding film - Ruel & Stacey, anniversary, engagement, musical video, wedding
Video of the day
25. července 2021
Volba editorů
Videographer Kyriacos Choraitis from Lemesos, Kypr - Civil wedding at Aphrodite's birth place  " Petra tou Romiou", anniversary, engagement, musical video, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
10. dubna 2021
Winner of the Battle of the week
27.9 — 3.10.21
Volba editorů
Videographer Alexey  Komissarov from Moskva, Rusko - INDEPENDENCE DAY, anniversary, event, musical video, reporting
Volba editorů
Videographer Moving  Movie from Če-ťiang, Čína - Little story in the castle, anniversary, drone-video, engagement
Video of the day
13. prosince 2020
Volba editorů
Videographer Marco De Nigris from Lecce, Itálie - Philip and Theresa // Destination Wedding in Zurich, anniversary, drone-video, event, reporting, wedding


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    • Videographer UNIFILMS.PRO
      Beautiful shots. Beautiful light. The shots go well with the music. Beautiful composition. But for the first thirty seconds of the wedding video I just watch the groom dress up. And not a single middle or general plan with the fees of the bride and groom (only on ceremony).
      And looks like all the shots are only from a tripod...
      • Videographer Philip London
        Hi thanks for the comment. Yes in the UK is it tradition that the bride and groom do not see each other before the ceremony, so there are only shots of them as a couple, after they become a married couple. The film is make in a chronological order to follow the day, and appreciate other people may have different styles. This follows the timeline of the day. There are intentionally not many wide shots, for various reasons I won't go into here. And no, around half of the shots are from a gimbal, when they couple are walking or dancing, again the camera movement reflects the movement of the couple... I am not a fan of unmotivated camera movement. Hope that helps.