3,434 / 3,771
Video of the day
11. února 2014
Videographer Andrea Spinelli from Komské jezero, Itálie - Il Bacio / The Kiss, engagement, wedding
Video of the day
9. února 2014
Videographer Lana Al from Phuket, Thajsko - Big funny wedding in Phuket, event
Video of the day
8. února 2014
Videographer Ota Bek from Praha, Česko - Valentine's day in Prague, engagement
Video of the day
7. února 2014
Videographer Олег Попов from Öskemen, Kazachstán - Jursin & Akerke. Love story in Turkey, engagement
Video of the day
4. února 2014
Videographer Atheaton Films from Chania, Řecko - Everlasting love, wedding
Video of the day
3. února 2014
Videographer Atheaton Films from Chania, Řecko - Stathis & Ioanna - Best Moments, wedding
Video of the day
2. února 2014
Videographer Andrea Spinelli from Komské jezero, Itálie - Wedding Showreel 2013, engagement, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
31. ledna 2014
Videographer Lana Al from Phuket, Thajsko - Koh Samui wedding. Olya + Roma, wedding
Video of the day
30. ledna 2014
Videographer Sergio Duarte from Coimbra, Portugalsko - Reel 2013, showreel
Video of the day
29. ledna 2014
Videographer MEUSH production from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukrajina - Showreel 2013, showreel
Video of the day
28. ledna 2014
Videographer Lana Al from Phuket, Thajsko - Это история свадьбы замечательной пары Насти и Ильи, которая проходила в Таиланде на острове Пхукет, wedding
Video of the day
27. ledna 2014
Videographer Nelson Coelho from Luxembourg, Lucembursko - Wedding Session in Barcelona, wedding
Video of the day
26. ledna 2014
Videographer Lana Al from Phuket, Thajsko - Big wedding in Koh Samui, wedding
Video of the day
2. února 2014

Wedding Showreel 2013

E il vero amore può nascondersi, confondersi, ma non può perdersi mai. Sempre e per sempre dalla stessa parte mi troverai.
And true love can hide, blend in, but can not ever get lost. Always and always on the same side you will find me.
Videographer Andrea Spinelli
Komské jezero, Itálie


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    Volba editorů

    Video of the day
    30. ledna 2025
    Volba editorů
    Videographer ALEXANDRE DJANBAZ from Paříž, Francie - ALOU LAAAAA, wedding
    Videographer ALEXANDRE DJANBAZ
    PRO (Paříž, Francie)
    Video of the day
    8. prosince 2023
    Winner of the Battle of the week
    3 — 9.1.25
    Volba editorů
    Videographer Anthony Venitis from Atény, Řecko - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
    Video of the day
    11. února 2024
    Winner of the Battle of the week
    5 — 11.3.24
    Volba editorů
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bukurešť, Rumunsko - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
    Video of the day
    5. února 2024
    Volba editorů
    Videographer Deux drôles  D’oiseaux from Paříž, Francie - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
    Video of the day
    13. února 2024
    Volba editorů
    Videographer Aaron Kracke from Boston, Spojené státy americké - Emily & Tommy, wedding
    Videographer Aaron Kracke
    (Boston, Spojené státy americké)
    Video of the day
    22. února 2024
    Volba editorů
    Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bukurešť, Rumunsko - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding