10 / 36
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ retro \\, engagement, event, invitation, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ EUPHORIA \\, drone-video, engagement, event, invitation, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ undisciplined \\, advertising, backstage, engagement, musical video, showreel
Video of the day
24. dubna 2021
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ MEMORY \\, drone-video, engagement, event, invitation, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ MALATIA \\, advertising, corporate video, event, invitation, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ KAIROS \\, engagement, musical video, sport
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ LOVE IS IN YOUR EYES \\, engagement, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ INSPIRE \\, engagement, event, invitation, showreel, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ SENSHUT \\, engagement, event, invitation, musical video, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ Only one minute. \\, drone-video, event, invitation, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
27. září 2020
Volba editorů
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ REVELATIONS \\, engagement, event, musical video, showreel, wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ RECONNECT \\, engagement
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films from Neapol, Itálie - \\ INTIMACY \\, engagement, event, showreel


Ci guardammo negli occhi: io vidi solo me, lei soltanto sé...
Amo la semplicità.
Amo la leggerezza.
Amo sentire, respirare percepire le emozioni.
Amo catturarle e farle mie.
Amo gli occhi che si illuminano, quelli che dicono tutto anche se non parlano.
Amo raccontare tutto questo con semplicità, seguendo non uno stile ma la mia sensibile percezione.
·3,701 views·#engagement#wedding
Videographer Ivan Marangio Films
Neapol, Itálie


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