1,780 / 5,779
Videographer Magnificent  Video from Černivci, Ukrajina - Wedding Vova & Marina, SDE, drone-video, event, showreel, wedding
Videographer Gonzaga Lopes from Porto, Portugalsko - Steven e Alexandra I Love Story, SDE, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Videographer Golden Legend® from Cherson, Ukrajina - i’m with you forever, SDE, anniversary, drone-video, wedding
Videographer Omar Cirilli from Řím, Itálie - Golden Sights, SDE, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Videographer Lee Nguyen from Ho Či Minovo město, Vietnam - CEREMONY - CHUN&CHANG - SAIGON 7/2020, SDE, anniversary, erotic, wedding
Videographer John Str from Jasy, Rumunsko - Love Story - Helen & Alexander, SDE, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Videographer Giorgio Angelini from Neapol, Itálie - Christopher and Kristina - A proposal wedding, SDE, engagement, wedding
Videographer Golden Legend® from Cherson, Ukrajina - forever young..., SDE, engagement, wedding
Videographer Artem Mordvinkov from Petrohrad, Rusko - ANNA Cyprus, SDE, advertising, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
20 — 26.9.21
Videographer Darius Cornean from Oradea, Rumunsko - Fireworks of Life, SDE, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Videographer George Tyurin from Orenburg, Rusko - Очень замуж хочется, SDE, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Videographer Alexander Shulgin from Volgograd, Rusko - Crazy Golfers, SDE, drone-video, engagement, musical video, wedding
Videographer Sergey Tsyganko from Krasnodar, Rusko - Gabriel & Sabrina, wedding day, SDE, drone-video, wedding

Christopher and Kristina - A proposal wedding

Una proposta di matrimonio raccontata in un gioiello della Costiera Amalfitana: la bellissima Positano
Quanto è profondo l amore
Sono felice di aver condiviso con voi uno dei momenti più preziosi del vostro eterno amore. Ho avuto l opportunità di riconoscere un vero amore, di sentire la vostra felicità.
È stato emozionante e un onore per me.
Grazie Christopher e Kristina -
A proposal wedding in one of the most pictoresque village of the Amalfi Coast: the beautiful town of Positano.
How deep is Your Love!
I was glad to share with you one of the most precious moment of your eternal love.
I had the opportunity to see a true love, to feel your happiness.
It was amazing and a very pleasure for me.
Thank you Christopher and Kristina.
Videographer Giorgio Angelini
Neapol, Itálie


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Volba editorů

Video of the day
8. prosince 2023
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9.1.25
Volba editorů
Videographer Anthony Venitis from Atény, Řecko - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
Video of the day
11. února 2024
Winner of the Battle of the week
5 — 11.3.24
Volba editorů
Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bukurešť, Rumunsko - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
5. února 2024
Volba editorů
Videographer Deux drôles  D’oiseaux from Paříž, Francie - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
Video of the day
13. února 2024
Volba editorů
Videographer Aaron Kracke from Boston, Spojené státy americké - Emily & Tommy, wedding
Videographer Aaron Kracke
(Boston, Spojené státy americké)
Video of the day
22. února 2024
Volba editorů
Videographer Art & Roses Films from Bukurešť, Rumunsko - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding
Video of the day
12. února 2024
Volba editorů
Videographer Andrea Tortora from Milán, Itálie - Epic Elopement in Iceland, drone-video, wedding