Videographer Vojtek Jurczak
Брой победи {br}в главните конкурси
Видео на деня
Избор на редакторите
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Общ бал за 20 най-рейтингови видеа за последните две години
Изпрати съобщение
- Видео 15
За мен
Ценова категория:Standard
Hello, my name is Vojtech I am a wedding videographer based in Milton Keynes UK I create cinematic wedding videos. I do focus on the film-making aspect of wedding videos, aiming to create beautiful short films that capture the romance and joy of the day. With over 6 years of experience as a videographer and 3years working in the wedding industry, I have gained a unique perspective on weddings, making it easy to match my narration and editing style perfectly to the original style.
Потребител WEVSY.COM с 29 септември 2019 г.
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