Videographer Maria Reiko Films

Videographer Maria Reiko Films

Брой победи {br}в главните конкурси
Видео на деня
Избор на редакторите
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Общ бал за 20 най-рейтингови видеа за последните две години

За мен

Ценова категория:Standard
My cameras which I use: Sony Безогледална.
I'm Maria Reiko! A Filipino cinematographer just moved to Germany. I have been documenting wedding since 2014 with the privilege to capture different cultures and people coming from all over the world. I am a fan of multimedia arts and I have passion for painting, photography and graphic design though I am more excited to tell stories in videos. As an artist I firmly believe in what I do and enjoy capturing pieces of moving happiness. I give a personal touch to a very personal moment.
Потребител WEVSY.COM с 6 април 2022 г.