Film editor Eternal Weddings
Брой победи {br}в главните конкурси
Видео на деня
Избор на редакторите
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Общ бал за 20 най-рейтингови видеа за последните две години

За мен

Ценова категория:Standard
Specialisation:Film editor
My cameras which I use: Други Други.
My name is Damir and I am proffesional photographer videographer and video editor over 5 years now. We work with a lot of photographers and videographers worldwide
I am texting you because i want to offer you my services of editing videos and photos by low price and high quality
You can see my work at @damiraticphotography.
So if you like my work, and you think you could possibly need my services feel free to text me so we can talk about details.
Best regards
Потребител WEVSY.COM с 7 октомври 2022 г.