Брой победи {br}в главните конкурси
Видео на деня
Избор на редакторите
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Общ бал за 20 най-рейтингови видеа за последните две години
Изпрати съобщение
- Видео 4
За мен
Ценова категория:Standard
From as early as I can remember, I took an interest in cameras. I was probably around 8 years old when I starting making home movies with family and filming skits with friends. Eventually, I became the unofficial ‘documentary maker’ of our lives. ⠀
Fast forward to summer 2017, I was backpacking Europe and decided to document my travels and post them along the way. When I returned, a friend had asked about my video work and was interested in me filming her wedding. With absolutely no past experience in wedding videography, I was a little bit hesitant. After filming and editing my first wedding video, my passion blossomed. My style is an odd mix between Horror, Silent Film and Indy Romance.
Fast forward to summer 2017, I was backpacking Europe and decided to document my travels and post them along the way. When I returned, a friend had asked about my video work and was interested in me filming her wedding. With absolutely no past experience in wedding videography, I was a little bit hesitant. After filming and editing my first wedding video, my passion blossomed. My style is an odd mix between Horror, Silent Film and Indy Romance.
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