Videographer Adrian Moise

Videographer Adrian Moise

Брой победи {br}в главните конкурси
Видео на деня
Избор на редакторите
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Общ бал за 20 най-рейтингови видеа за последните две години

За мен

Ценова категория:Standard
My cameras which I use: Panasonic Безогледална.
My name is Adrian. I can tell you that I discovered the wedding cinema in 2010 and since then your memories have become for me a priority, a reward and a source of motivation.
Choose the Camera Services team with memories and get professional service and excellent teamwork. We will be with you to capture the most exciting moments so that over the years you can share these moments of joy with your loved ones.
Потребител WEVSY.COM с 24 май 2017 г.